About us

Headmistress Bunny D’Vine

I’m Bunny, international award-winning burlesque performer and the boss at The D’Vines Burlesque. I bring in the vision and put the pieces together to make it a reality. My job is to bring the best in all of you, and you’ll see me around teaching and coaching. For any burlesque questions, come straight to me and I’ll help you!


  • Training as burlesque dance trainer and mirinette at Danse Partout, many years of experience in burlesque, pole dance, chair dance, stretching, striptease, floorwork.
  • Alixa Flexibility Certified Flexibility Trainer
  • “Empress of Rome” Winner at Maximum Burlesque Festival
  • Producer of Burlesque Show D’Vine Extravaganza
  • Co-producer at Tease me Please Show
  • Head of “The D’Vines” Showgirl Troupe
  • Choreographer for “The D’Vines”

Stage experience

  • Performances at festivals/events at home and abroad (Croatian Burlesque Festival, Berlin Burlesque Festival, Sacré Burlesque Festival, Maximum Burlesque Festival, Glasgow Festival of Burlesque)
  • Performances at Gypsy Rose Bar
  • Performance at Cabaret Chocococo
  • Headlining and organising D’Vine Extravaganza
  • Performances at Tease Me Please Show
  • Performances at private events
  • Hostess at World Burlesque Day and Ibiza Burlesque Festival
  • Character and team member at Ohh La La Chérie Burlesque Show Zurich
  • PSO (Pole Sport Org): 1st place Pole Dance Exotic 2019

Wingwoman Shy

Shy is my administrative queen! She’ll make sure you’re making most of your time with us, and that every paperwork is done seamlessly. If you have any questions about our offers, best class for you, dates and anything else just contact her!

Burlesque Mistress Blanche Neige


  • Training as Burlesque Workout Trainer and Mirinette at Danse Partout
  • Experience in various dance styles (jazz ballet, modern dance, afro, tango, salsa)
  • Gessnerallee Zurich: 2 semesters of improvisational theater for adults
  • Trainer with Federal Diploma

Burlesque Mistress Lulu Applecheek


  • Training as Burlesque Dance Trainer at Danse Partout
  • many years of experience in belly dance and burlesque dance
  • Matchless Dance School: 1 semester in contemporary dance
  • Experience in various dance styles (tribal fusion, hip hop, lindy hop, jazz dance, ballet, yoga)
  • Train the Trainer (pedagogy/didactics training at the St. Gallen University of the Arts)
  •  Experience in Contemporary Dance and Pilates

Stage experience as burlesque performer

  • Performances at festivals/events in Europe (e.g. Berlin, Rome, Stuttgart, Como, Hamburg, Zurich)
  • Awards: Queen of Burlesque Stuttgart / Newcomer Award Rome / Audience Favorite “Glamour bangs Madness” Berlin.
  • Performance at Burlesque Hall of Fame, Las Vegas, 2023
  • Homepage: www.luluapplecheek.ch

Burlesque Mistress Allegra del Bastet

  • Qualifications

In training as a burlesque dance trainer at Danse Partout
Experience in various dance styles (Tribal Fusion, FCBD, Oriental Dance, Chinese Dance, Flow Arts)

D’Vine assistant for The D’Vines Showgirls

  • Stage experience

Performance at Tease-Me, Please!
Performances at D’Vine Extravaganza
Performances at private events
International performances

Art Director Diva Miss Sienna Quinn

Miss Sienna Quinn has 10 years of experience as an event manager in the show world. In the
meantime she realises herself as an independent event manager “LARA MAUD EVENTS” and
burlesque dancer at the Showgirl School Danse Partout and also creates short films for various
artists as an art director and videographer.
– Performance Class, Showgirl School Danse Partout
– Founder of the Agency, LARA MAUD EVENTS
– Certificate of advanced studies HSLU, Event Management, Media Law and Marketing
– 9 years work experience as Bartender / Chef de Bar & Chef de Service
– Various internships in fashion design and communication
– Art school in photography and video in Basel
– Training as ballet dancer in Basel
Stage experience
Presenter of various events (festival, drag queen contest, art dinners, burlesque shows etc.)

D’Vine Assistant Teacher Lisa de la Baguette

Lisa is a highly trained dancer full of energy and love to share! Count on her to help you with technique and support – she can sew, too!

The D’Vines and Top Banana Ambassador – Miss LA Rose

Miss LA Rose first came into contact with burlesque in 2019 and, as she reveals, it was love at first dance move!
This glitter in everyday life, the opportunity to slip into different roles & above all to celebrate her own femininity fascinate her about this art form again and again!
Miss LA Rose has been part of the performance class of “The D’Vines Burlesque School” since the beginning of 2023 and is living her dream of performing on various local stages and expressing her passion for burlesque.
And so she also likes to embody the role of “TopBanana Ambassador”, where she shares her enthusiasm for burlesque with like-minded people or tries to infect “Burlesque Virgins” with enthusiasm.

Costume Designer Emi

Film, theater and dancing inspired me from a very young age. I danced ballet and jazz for a few years and only a few years ago I discovered the glittering world of burlesque. The beautiful colorful costumes is one of the aspects I especially love about burlesque.

-Bachelor degree Theatre and dance studies and English
-Working on theater and film costumes

Email: emily.kontu@gmail.com
Instagram: @emicostumes / @emilykontu
Website: https://emicostumes.com/

Our studio

Danse Partout was founded in 2009 by Mirabelle Chocococo. Our beautiful location in the heart of Wiedikon is designed in vintage style and is the perfect place to learn the coolest burlesque moves and have fun while being feminine and sexy!